SEO Services

Quadruple Your Traffic With Effective SEO Promotion!

Before you spend a penny on SEO, and trying to get your site to rank on the first page of Google – you need to know what keywords your site is actually converting for. Companies waste so much money trying to rank for keywords that don’t produce sales, simply because they do not know the difference.

Our approach to SEM (search engine marketing) involves carefully studying the market in your niche, digging down to determine what your Buying Phrases are – BEFORE starting your SEO campaign.

Collecting this competitive-intelligence for your website (before doing the SEO) will save you tens of thousands, if not millions of dollars over the life of your website – and position you for maxium ROI from your SEO campaign by ranking your site right where the money is! (This is also what separates us from all of the other so called, “SEO companies” out there.)

Ready to get started?

My “SEO Story”


Hi my name is Donovan Kovar and I’m an SEO Expert.

I got started with search engine optimization around 2003 when I was trying to figure out how to get my music website to rank on the first page of Google for “Minnesota Wedding Music”. Yes, I was a musician before I did SEO.

I went to Berklee College of Music back in the late 80’s – where I studied piano and arranging. Later I went on to work as a professional musician, performing in clubs and venues around the Twin Cities, and writing and producing songs in my home recording studio, that were featured on the hit day time drama, “The Young and the Restless“.

I became interested in online marketing around 2002-2003 when I purchased a course called “Marketing for Musicians”. This was a direct-response marketing program designed specifically to help musicians to book better, higher paying corporate and wedding gigs. After completing the course, I set out to create my own website and promote my band – completely online.

Right around this time, the iPod was just becoming popular, and being an auditory-learner, I quickly realized that I could “read books” while driving, working out or wherever. So I bought and listened to every audio course I could find on SEO, web marketing, copywriting, self improvement, you name it. I listened to audio books constantly, while driving to my gigs, while setting up my gear to perform, and while breaking down and driving home, always thinking about how I could forward my career using the internet.

Eventually I was able to get our music website to the TOP of Google’s organic results for the keywords that I new people were searching on the most. Once this happened, we started getting high-quality traffic and leads (where before, there had been none). Let me tell you, a steady flow of qualified leads from organic traffic changed everything for me and the band! We went on to perform at parties for companies like General Mills and The Phillips Beverage Company, as well as continuously booking high-paying wedding gigs, year after year. It was a quantum leap from what most local musicians were doing – and I was really starting to see the power of this “online marketing thing”.

One night in 2005 I was away playing a gig with my band out of town, and my house was robbed, just like that… I returned home the next day to find that my digital recording studio, computers and instruments were GONE! I was beside myself with bewilderment and grief.

Remembering what Anthony Robbins once said about successful people believing that whatever happens to them, happens for a reason, and that it serves them, I decided not to waste time feeling sorry for myself and quickly began looking for a way to use this miserable experience for good. After much contemplation I decided that I did not want to try and rebuild my recording studio – but instead I would focus my attention on becoming the best damn internet marketer I could be. And that’s when I launched this website.

I continued to perform music with my band, study, and work on our website to improve optins and get more traffic – and as I did that, my curiosity about what was possible with online marketing began to grow… I wondered to myself, “If I can do this with music, what about real estate or other money-making niches?”. As it turns out, my wife was making a career change at that time from her corporate job to working in the real estate market – so I decided to create real estate websites for her and see if I could get them ranked in the search engines as well.

Ok, I’ll be honest, this was tough at first, and took me a long time to figure out. As it turns out, real estate is HYPER COMPETITIVE, but my personality likes a good challenge, so I just kept at it, day in and day out – perfecting my knowledge of Google, keywords, link building strategies, syndication models and all the onpage factors that go into making a highly-effective website.

Eventually, I cracked it – not only once, but 4 times, with 4 different real estate related websites. Now, we are one of the TOP lead generating agents for one of the top selling RE/MAX teams in the country – ranking in the TOP 3 for several of the biggest money-making kewords in our market!

All this time, I continued to hire and train people to help me with my SEO SYSTEM, never really planning on starting an “SEO Company” – it was initially to do just my own websites. But one day in late 2007/early 2008 (in a period of about 3 months) 3 separate online marketers approached me about helping them with their websites. These were all guys I respected and looked up to – so I took it as a sign that it was time for me to start consulting and “doing SEO” for other websites!

Now fast-forward to today – and we’ve helped a dozen different companies in several countries, get onto the first page of Google for their top converting keywords. Looking back, I can see how my musical training, and years of hard work in the restaurant industry (before I did music) – prepared me for what I do now. I still compose and orchestrate. I still deliver the goods fast, fresh and hot to the table. Only now, it’s all online and it’s for businesses all over the world.

I love doing SEO – it’s like a big video game I play every day – making my clients site’s outrank their competitors, making a difference for companies and their employees. I continue to perfect my practice, studying and masterminding with my SEO colleagues – testing and trying new techniques to help us stay ahead of the curve.

If you need help (or are just curious about how SEO might work for you) check out my SEO INTELLIGENCE REPORT – which will help you to decide if SEO is right for your website.

Ready to get started?

To Your Success.

~ Donovan Kovar