As a search engine marketing consultant, I see a lot of stuff that my clients are doing (or that we do for them) and I get to learn faster than most people would about what works and what doesn’t in the world of online and search engine marketing.
My SEO Intelligence Report gives me the opportunity to work with different website owners in different markets, gaining more information from these sessions every time I do another one. A guy from Hungry contacted me today about how we could help him with his .hu website.
I’ve decided to start writing more in this blog, not so much for other SEO’s or PPC managers, but for all of the website owners out there that are trying to make it all work.
This will be a chronicle of my thoughts and lessons learned on my own journey through the giant labyrinth we call “marketing online”.
There are also so many other great minds out there, already thinking about so much of this stuff already (and writing about it better than I ever could) I will be using this platform to curate some of this information for reference and reflection.